Registered Charity No. 276637 |
- alert4.allergy.org
is a new alert service for people with food allergy. You
can register for free to receive personalised text messages
- for example to warn you of incidents when a manufacturer
has discovered nut contamination in a product. Click here
link above for more information and allergyinformation.
by AAA
- allergysexplained.co.uk
website is dedicated to allergy victims of any age who
suffer from Asthma,
Eczema, Hay Fever, Perennial Rhinitis, Nasal Polyps, Glue
Ears, Food Allergy,
Food Intolerance, Irritable Bowel, Colitis, and Migraine
who might find something relevant to their own problems
in this website.
by Dr H Morrow Brown MD FRCP (Ed), Emeritus Consultant
in respiratory medicine and allergy.
If you know of an organisation
you think would be of interest to our visitors
email us and we will consider
adding it to our links page.
kids was set up to help families with children suffering
from milk allergy and intolerance. Allergic response
to milk can take many forms, from rashes, and other
skin problems to stomach upsets, and even anaphylaxis.
This site enables parents to discuss issues of mutual
importance, read informative articles, swap experiences
and find useful recipes.
up by the parents of two allergic sons, this site gives
free Information about all major allergies. It lists
symptoms, triggers and treatment. Explanations on drug
classifications and allergy medication are available.
Also featured are support forums, allergen info, useful
numbers, links and product information.
suffers from multiple chemical sensitivity, MCS. She
lives in a house with no heating, and cannot use tap
water. She is housebound, but unable to have visitors.
She cannot watch television, read books, or use the
phone. Sue needs to move from her current home to a
more suitable premises. Can you help?
on arthritis and glucosamine, the latest glucosamine
research, details on arthritis medications and treatments,
and tips for effectively managing your arthritis and
joint pain.
Allergy Show provides current information for people
with asthma, eczema, sensitive skin, hayfever, food
intolerance and allergies and it helps parents of children
with these conditions as well as healthcare professionals
with an interest in these conditions
- noemr.com
Magnetic Radiation (EMR) covers a wide spectrum of non-ionising
(ie non-radioactive) electromagnetic fields including
visible light, infra red & ultra-violet light, radio,
radar, microwaves, etc. This site tries to help
those people who suffer from this form of radiation
or feel that they or their children might be effected
in the future.
allergies with Health Kinesiology. There is a complete
list of Health Kinesiology therapists on the HK UK web
site, set out in regions, to help you find a local therapist.
The web site also contains a more detailed explanation
of kinesiology itself as well as many case histories taken
from therapists' case records. Included among them are
examples of treatment of allergies, asthma, hay fever,
migraine and eczema. See the H K web site. http://www.hk4health.co.uk/register.htm
Product Links
- High Weald Dairy
of high quality speciality dairy products from sheep milk
and organic cows' milk. Many people with cows' milk allergy
can consume sheep milk without ill effect. Also sell yoghurts,
cheese and fromage frais.All products are made with pasteurised
milk and only non-genetically modified vegetable rennet
is used.
- Malki's Dead Sea minerals
has brought out a range of natural toiletries/ bathtime
products, which are free of detergents and animal fat,
yet packed with Dead Sea minerals and herbal oils that
have finally provided relief to many eczema, psoriasis
sufferers and helped with other skin problems.
- Wheat and Dairy Free Supermarket
Wheat and Dairy Free Supermarket opened in January 2005
providing information, support and products for people
with food allergies.They stock nearly 400 delicious foods
which are wheat free, gluten free, dairy free, yeast free,
sugar free, egg free, soya free and caffeine free. Just
click on the navigation aisles on the left of their website
to start shopping!
- Pure Air Technologies
of the world's leading products for indoor air purification,
sanitation, hygiene, odour control, asthma and allergie,
removing bacteria, mould, and dust particles - thus
‘cleaning the air you breathe' .
finest organic products on-line: natural skin care,
toiletries, cosmetics, eczema remedies; pregnancy
and baby, real and eco-friendly nappies, clothing;
mattresses, paints, herbs and spices, wine and beer, gift
ideas. Ethical, organic shopping made easy and safe.